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In the beginning there was light. The Sun and the animals lived in harmony. But over time the animals began taking Sun for granted. They did not respect how hard Sun was working to bring them light and warmth. Sun decided to leave. Then there was just darkness.

Many tried to seek out and return Sun, but none were able. Bear was strong, fox was clever, and owl, wise, but even they could not find and bring back Sun. Every time the animals would gather, Grandmother Spider would offer to go. The animals would smile,some would even snicker; “The journey would be too great for you!”, “You are so small, Grandmother”, “You could never carry the Sun!” 

Until after one gathering, Grandmother Spider decided to try anyway. She began heading to the West. After some time she stopped, caught her breathe, and then headed in another direction. She would travel in all directions, all the while trailing her thread behind her.

Sun was intrigued by the tiny spider’s movements and began to rise little by little to get a closer look. The glistening threads were starting to collect the morning's dew. Grandmother Spider's creation was too beautiful for Sun to ignore. She had worked tirelessly to create a sparkling web just for Sun.

After many days of travel, Grandmother Spider finally returned to the animals. Sun trailed behind her, bright and beaming. Sun agreed to stay with the animals and is now welcome to rest whenever it is needed.

That is how Grandmother Spider brought back the Sun.

Legend of Grandmother Spider: About Us
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